மறைக்கப்பட்ட இந்தியா -நூல் விமர்சனம்.

எஸ். ராமகிருஷ்ணன் எழுதிய
‘ மறைக்கப் பட்ட இந்தியா ‘
‘ தாகூரின் கல்விமுறை ‘

என்ற தலைப்பு குறித்து விமர்சனம்

‘ சாந்தி நிகேதன் பல்கலைக்கழக வளாகம்
ஒரு பயிற்சி பட்டறை.

இங்கு நாடகம், இசை போன்றவை கற்பிக்கப்பட்டு ஆராய்ச்சி செய்வதற்கும் உருவாக்கப் பட்டது.

மரம் மற்றும் கல்லில் சிற்பம் செய்வதற்கான பயிற்சிகள் அளிக்கப்பட்டன.

கிராமப்புற வாழ்வு குறித்தும், வேளாண்மை குறித்தும் தனிப் பிரிவாகவும், கணிதம், புள்ளியியல் இயற்பியல், தாவரவியல், உயிரியல், வரலாறு, பொருளாதாரம் போன்ற பாடங்கள் கற்பிக்கப்பட்டு ஆசிரியர்களுக்கான பயிற்சியும் அளிக்கப்பட்டது.

இந்திய கலாச்சாரம், இலக்கியம் வங்காளம் ஆங்கில இலக்கியங்களும் போதிக்கப்பட்டன.

விஸ்வபாரதி பல்கலைக்கழகத்தில் தாகூரின் பிள்ளைகள் சேர்க்கபட்டன. இங்கு லட்சக்கணக்கான புத்தகஙுகளைக் கொண்ட நூலகம் இடம் பெற்று உள்ளதையும் விவரிக்கிறார். சீன, ஜப்பான் அரசு வழங்கிய புத்தகங்கள் மற்றும் சுவடிகள் பாதுகாக்கப்படுகின்றன.

எஸ். ரா எந்தக் குறிப்பையும் நேரில் சென்று பார்த்து அனுபவித்து எழுதும் பழக்கம் கொண்டவர். அதனால்
அவரது பதிப்புகள் அனைத்தும் படித்தோம் எனில் நாம் நேரில் சென்று பார்த்தது போன்ற அனுபவம் படிப்பவர்களுக்கும் ஏற்படும்.

நேரு தமது மகள் இந்திரா காந்தி அங்கு பயிலச் செய்தார். ரவீந்திரநாத் தாகூர் தான் இந்திரா என்ற பெயருக்கு பின்னால் பிரியதர்ஷினி என்ற பெயரைச் சூட்டினார்.

பள்ளிப் பருவத்தில் இருந்து கல்லாரி வரை அனைத்துத் துறைகளும் இந்த ஓரே பல்கலைக் கழகத்திற்குள் இருக்கின்றன ‘

என்ற இதன் தனிச் சிறப்பை குறிப்பிடுகிறார்.

காந்தியும், தாகூரும் நண்பர்களாயினும், அவர்களிடம் உள்ள கருத்து வேறுபாடுகளை பதிகிறார்.

மகாத்மா காந்தி என்ற பட்டத்தை
காந்திக்கு அளித்தவர் தாகூர்.
தாகூர் சுதந்திர போராடத்தில் நேரடியாக பங்கு கொள்ளாததை காந்தியடிகள் விமர்சனம் செய்ததை குறித்து பதிகிறார்.

ஆனால் இ.ஜே. தாம்சன் என்ற ஆங்கிலேயர் தமது நூலில் தாகூர் செய்த வீராவேச பிரசாரங்களைப் பற்றி
எழுதி இருக்கிறார்.

1913-ல் தாகூருக்கு நோபல் வழங்கபட்டது, பின் 1915- ல் ‘ ஸர் ‘ பட்டம் வழங்கப் படடது.
1919ல் ஏப்ரல் 13-ம் தேதி ஜாலியன் வாலாபாக் தொடர் துப்பாக்கி நடத்தப்பட்தை கண்டித்து, ‘ ஸர் ‘ பட்டத்தை துறந்தார்.

இயற்கையோடு இணைந்த கற்பித்தல் முறையில் மாணவனது உடல் வளர்ச்சி, அறிவு வளர்ச்சி, ஒழுக்க ஆன்மிக வளர்ச்சி ஆகிய மூன்றும் வளர்ச்சியடையும் என தாகூர் நம்பினார்.

இந்த புத்தகம் மறைக்கப் பட்ட இந்திய வரலாற்று நிகழ்ச்சிகள் பலவற்றை வெளிக் கொணர்ந்து உள்ளார்.

வரலாற்றை அறிய, படிக்க வேண்டிய புத்தகம் ஆகும்

உரத்த சிந்தனை 35ம் ஆண்டு மலரில் – கரந்துறை பா

‘ இல சில ‘ பயணம் – கரந்துறை பா

இ(ன்மையிலிருந்த) ல(ட்சியம்)
சி(று) ல(ட்சிய) பயணம்.

இன்மையிலிருந்து லட்சிய சிதறல்கள்
வெடித்து சிதறல்களாகி வெளிச்சங்களுக்கான பயணம்.

சிதறல்கள் உருண்டு திரண்டு கோளங்களாகின
கோளங்கள் பாதைகளாகிய வெளிச்சத்தை சுற்றுகின்றன.

வெளிச்சம் வெட்ட வெளிச்சமாகி
தமது வட்டத்தை சுற்றுகின்றன.

வெளிச்சத்தின் வட்ட எல்லைக்குள்
பல கோளங்கள் சுழல்கின்றன.

கோளங்களும் தனக்குள்ளும் வட்டமிடுகின்றன
வட்டங்களும் வடிவம் பெற்று நேர எல்லைக்குள்

நேர எல்லைகள் காலத்தை நிர்ணயித்து யாருக்கும்
காத்திருக்காமல் காலத்திற்குள் சுற்றுகின்றன.

கோளங்களுக்குள் ஓர் கோளம் பூமி, புவியின் மிடுக்கு.
புவியின் ரிங்காரம் மலைகளும், கடல்களும், காடுகளும், தட்டு தடுமாறும் தரைகளும்.

பூமியின் மிடுக்கில், ஊற்று நீர் சுனைகளாகி,
நீர் தனைப் பெருக்கி, பள்ளத்தை நோக்கிய பயணம்.

பூமியின் வட்டத்தில் கரு மேகங்களும் தோன்றும்
கரு மேகங்கள் மழைத்துளியாகி பூமியை நோக்கி காற்றின் விசையோடும் பயணம்.

மழை நீர் துளி பட்டு பிரகாசமளிக்கும்
புல் பூண்டு, தளிர் செடி கொடிகள் வளர் பருவத்தை
நோக்கிய பயணம்.

வனங்களும், காடுகளும் மலைகளும் மடுவுகளும்
தம் இருக்கையில் தளர்வில்லா செருக்குடன் பயணம்.

ஓரினம், ஈரினம், மூவினம், நான்கு, ஐந்து இனமென
ஆயிரமாயிரம் உயிர்களும் பூமிதனில் லட்சியத்தை நோக்கி ஆர்ப்பரிக்காத பயணம்.

ஆறறிவு உள்ளவன் நாம், அடங்கமாட்டோம்
நம் எல்லைகளை விரிக்க.

இன்மையில் உள்ள நம் லட்சியம் நியாயமான
உயிரினமாக நம் பயணம் சிற்சில லட்சிய எல்லைக்குள் பயணிக்கட்டுமே.

Discussion in the Hindu paper

discussion on the hindu
Topic: Think Like a Civilisation

THINK, in terms of Acrostic we may call as

We gather knowledge based on our existing deterministic arrogance.The peace need to stay here for ever without if and but.

discussion on the hindu for the topic:

Conversations benefit journalism

The Visual media penetrates into the real motion picture through TV is maximising the drama and boosting the happenings.The Paper reporters, on the otherhand, find the reality of the situation in a condensed action certain situation.

discussion on the hindu Topic:

Ganga basin States stare at three-fold rise in failures by 2040?

The River water which need to be protected at this juncture is essential for the present and future generations of our country. The Industrial Establishment for business activities is mounting up their action everywhere. The Government, on the other hand, promotes the infrastructure facilities in full swing. The River water is mingling with the waste water from the industrial and residential is our regular features of our living conditions. If not now, when will the unified action will enforce the regularity in safeguarding the River water?

Ganga basin States stare at three-fold rise in crop failures by 2040

discussion on the Hindu Topic:
Let them eat JAM

Digital Age brings uniformity in Data collection in various methods through digital operation. Digital economy flourishes on its track without natural improvement in Agricultural.sectors which requires to be fulfilled for our survival. The present Government perpetuates the digital operation is the need of the hour to perform various functionalities. JAM can increase the job operations for the youngsters those who are involving in the digital activities.

discussion on the hindu Topic:

Is the unemployment crisis for real?

The meaningful measurement of providing employment is still missing at the grass root level. The Government is not having adequacy to fulfill the  employment opportunities with relevance to the youth capability along with their talent. The demand for the adequacy of filling the vacancies in relevance with the present trend of job is ever increasing. The entire blame to the job seekers is not correct. The Computerisation in every stages is maximising the un employment Levels.

Those days , shouting in front of Govt. Ins., to provide job was every where. Nowadays, at the government level, the greatest task for the government to the youth is only providing and arranging loans. The Skill training task providing by the government is the  recent steps in tune with the youth for improving the skills.

My comments In the Indian Express on various topic

My comment in indianexpress e paper
In Good faith: Gandhi and the varna question

The Gandhi or any proponents in terms of their scrips and the opinions is to be adopted for moral characters with dignified manner. We have to adhere to the principles and policy and to the present trend. The Discrimination and the talk on the history of caste and all their colourful.supremacy and the inferior concepts should not be highlighted. Be a Humanistic approach towards all as equal before diagonising any categorical arrangement to the present day movement.

Replied to the Comments on my writings in indianexpress
For the Title Star-studded CVs and Moral numbness

Your understanding on the subject and the author’s point of views are perfectly on the right track for selecting the people with ethical standards. The point on which I stress for having a person to equip himself to motivate for acquiring the maximising the attitude with positive skills and knowledge based on the institutional objectives.

Love of Labour
The Labour participation in the managerial activities should stimulate from the labour welfare point of views. The Top level promoters accumulate their wealth in all business activites, where as the labour who are toiling their entire life for the improvemental of the concerned business firms are the least bothered from the birds eye view approach.

Star-studded CVs and moral numbness

It is a fact that the society at large to have immediate attention to the drastic movement against the normal position. Normalacy will not bring immediate concerned to any one at the time of crisis. In the same way, as mentioned in this article, The framing of questioning at any level of operation is purely based upon the individual capacity. In Acrostic pattern, ASK, the word, may define as Attitude, Skills and Knowledge. These Three strategical points will be the criteria for the individual to select and frame the question based on the temparament at the moment, the skills what the individual possess and the Knowledge what is accumulated on the subjects. The War, on the otherhand can define in Acrostic pattern is as Wild Atrocities Renewal. The negative accumulation will explode immediately without any hesitation. Let us have Framed question with periodical suggestion.


Sangam period is considered to be the best form of Tamil language. Most of
the genius work of Tamil Literature were not highlighted due to the Non-availability of scirpts in any written format. Ancient people tried to convert their signal way of expression into letters in accordance with the usage. And they tried to draw the picture the place where they lived.
The Sangam literature covers the two groups, which is called as Naturalistic
and Ethical concepts. Pathupattu and Ettuthogai gives the importance to Naturalistic way of Sangam Literature. The Eighteen Didactic works like Kural and Naladiyar are the formation of Sangam Literature with Ethical concepts.
The word Sangam had existed without proper approval from the literary wing.
The stress for writing scripts from the workers point of view was not functioning ever since from the Sangam age period. Grammar works derived from Tholkappium along with Kalithogai and Agattium. The period of Sangam with the literary scholars from the ancient records is to ascertained with the availability of Palm-leaf scripts, the year in which it was palm-leaflets along with the rulers in that period. It is believed that
sangam literature period by analysing with the facts of poems written in leaflets with the rulers of the country was more than 9900 years ago.

Words usage
The literary works of Sangam literature was propounded with Agam (Love)
and Puram (External). The Agam concept of description was in with our body expression. The Puram concept of expression was explained with our external existences at the time of Sangam literature.
In Tamil, the language we call the term as ‘Mozhi ‘. The Mozhi express from
our Mouth, we call all noun forms as ‘Ezhuvai ‘. Since all words are pronouncing from our mouth with the rising of our upper jaw, In Tamil Grammar, we also call all noun forms as ‘Ezhuvai’. The same way all our actions, we also call it in Tamil as ‘Payanilai ‘.The term Payanilai expresses in Tamil grammar as the status of our actions, for verbs.
The pattern of usage of Tamil language along with the grammatical
usages was mingled with our products what we used in that period. The Object is expressed in Tamil as ‘ Seyapaduporul’ . The Tamil language expression is peculiar with the natural existences of our body movements.
The word ‘ karanthurai pa ‘ is having the meaning of extraction from the first letters of the same word. These karanthurai pa is explained with some particulars at the conclusion of this writing for continuing to maintain in tamil literature, as practised in Sangam literature.
In the world, It is estimated that the farming activities was believed to be
started in 12,000 years ago, which was pointed by the Historian Professor Yual Noah Harari.

By comparing with the Palm-leaf scripts which was available the details of
Sangam Literature is also somewhere between 9900 years ago.
The farming activities was the only activities which was developed in the
Land. Tholkappiyam written by Tholkappier was also described the various
agricultural aspects.

Agriculture was the main occupation of the Tamil region during those days.
The importance of Agricultural was well recognized from Megalithic period.
Archaeological evidences was found in Adichinallur
Thiruvalluvar was also quoted in Thirukural with the terms of plough and
‘Truly lived person are those who plough and eat, the others would follow and eat what the farmers give’
The Eco system as delineated in the sangam literature in distinct language for the land classification is known as ‘Thinai ‘. The land classification in those days were grouped as Mullai with forest, Kurunji with Hills, Marudham with cultivated lands and Neithal with coastal areas.
The seasons for farming activities was also classified by the farmers during
the sangam period in accordance with the Climatic situation of Tamilnadu. The seasons of climatic situation is also termed as spring, Late Spring, Cloudy, Rainy, Early Winter and Late Winter.
The importance of irrigation was well recognized with the anthology from the ‘ Purananuru ’. In Puranananuru, the anthology was addressed by the Pandiyan Ruler, Nedunchelian by the poet ‘ Kudipulaviyanar’. The food was obtained with the places where the plenty of water in the long reservoirs.

A river side measures to bring the good water supply.
There was a steady progress in the Reclamation of forest and waste land was brought under the ploughing conditions. The south Indian Chola ruler was the pioneer to do the task of Reclamation of land. In the Northern region called thondamandalam in Tamilnadu was deforested and the evidence was quoted in Pattinapalai by Uthiravan Kannanar.

Plough and Plough ware was used since Neolithic times. Polished stone walls were used 5000 years ago. Marutham was the pet name in the Cauvery belt areas which was considered to be a fertile land during the sangam period, In kurunthokai poem quotation mentions as ‘the Millets was stalked with clusters’. Paddy (nel) was the main cultivation in the Marutham Land areas. Nel was classified into various categories sennel, podunel, vennel etc.,
The farmers were interested in furrowing and tilling their fields, sowing of
seed, weeding, reaping and sowing of seed, and storing the grains and straw were the regular action in the agricultural field. Such incidence was quoted in the painting of the walls and it was also found in the stone hill areas.
Ridging and hedging was used in the wetland for identification and
segregation, as of now, it was not clearly earmarked.
Sugarcane cultivation was also made in several ways.
In front of every house hold, the Vegetables such as Peerkai (Sponge Gourd),
noted in Purananuru, poem No.116 and Natrinai poem No. 197, 277, 326,
Surai(Bottle Gourd), Pagal(Bitter Melon), in the Purananuru poem No.399, were grown in and stated in various Sangam period poems.

Normally, rain waters were the main feed for cultivation. In some areas, flood waters were flowed in the forest streams with rocks, carrying drying leaves and cluster of flower buds, the happenings of such incidences was quoted in Natrinai No. 53 & 292. Small pools in the hills are called Cunai. They are said to be preserve water from the fresh showers of early winter so as to be useful for the animals to drink throughout the year and water in these pools is mentioned as crystal clear, which is called in Palingu thanneer in Tamil.
In addition to the tanks and ponds, deep sunk wells, called in Tamil as Kinaru were also utilized for the purpose of Irrigation.
In the Maduraikkanji 80-83, we get a glimpse of the different modes or types of water lifting devices employed in irrigation.
It is also stated in the Madurakkanji 89-92, palm-leaf baskets was kept for water logging in the paddy fields. In Silapathikaram also, the term eda was used for palm leaf baskets and pila was used for a basket made of metal for drawing water.
Poets :
Various poets expresses the different fields experience in the poems.
Mutuvanar expresses his interest in all the regions with the pictures. Of the sea coast scenery, his painting of scenery of Punnai trees with cool shades heaped upon moon light is a lively picture. He describes the Tinai field along with parrots coming in a flock seeking the tinai ears, streams, jumping and playing on bamboos as if on swings and resting with their mates on the Venkai trees.
A young calf of the wild cow is terrified by the sound of the hunters, and
leaving its group it runs away to the village nearby and is brought up by the village boys and becomes tamed.
Another poetess name Okkur macattiyar has two stanzas on the forest region and its appropriate season, the early winter. In the stanza 324 of Akananuru she reveals her keenness of observation through all the senses except that of taste. The heroine expresses her feelings to her lady-companion saying that the season laughs at her disappointment and anxiety for her lover who has not yet returned as promised; and she sees it laughing with its teeth in the fresh buds of her Mullai creeper.
Auvaiyar’s poems are on all regions though there are many on mountains and one or two on sea coast. She expresses the beauty of high sky and mountain heights. The sun is a planet of great lustre passing through the sky. She observes and describes lightening during the rainy season suddenly illuminating the mountain tops and the clefts therein.
Those are certain incidents which depicts the farming fields along with the
poetic expression on the nature living.

Stock-rearing animals:
Oxen’s and buffaloes were reared for agricultural operations and cow, goat
and sheep were the main domesticated animals. Cattle naturally was considered not only holy but also as the measure of property.
The wealth of the individual was assessed with the possession of cattle along with the agricultural operational fields. Shepherds, goat herder, cowherds, cattle herders were common to the agricultural as well as the pastoral tracts.

Conclusion :
Agriculture was the main occupation in the period of sangam literature. The Chera, Chola and Pandiya were the main rulers in the region of Tamilnadu. The fertile agricultural tracts (mempulam) with the river valleys were the main reasons for their living standards in the sangam period. The words which is giving importance to any language should have meaningful formation in design. In such case, The Acrostic pattern in English and Karanthurai in Tamil would be helpful with meaningful sentences making for the usage of our understanding in actions.
In 398 of Natrinai of sangam period also, karanthurai word was used for
having the implicit meaning of life. The meaning of karanthurai in tamil is used to have by arranging with first letter for the same word.
The explanation for the word is given below:
The ‘word’ i​n ​Acrostic pattern for English
W – Writing
O – Of
R – Regulated
D – Designs
The writing of Regulated Design is used for any language in detail with
Acrostic pattern.
In the same pattern, the tamil word ‘ thakuthi’ can explain in Karanthurai.
Tha – Tharam
Ku – Kunam
Th i- Thiramai.
These three letters of the tamil is having meaningful for the word ‘ thakuthi ‘in karanthurai with ‘ tharam ‘, ‘ kunam ’, ‘ thiramai ‘ .
These karanthurai pa which was used in sangam literature, is not in practice for the sake of clarity in words meaning. In The farming method also, we can adopt such ‘ karanthurai pa ‘ in our tamil literature also.
Thangavelu C
Seyal Mantram/Pathivalar

Discussion on papers

Activists bat for water conservation, ground water repletion – India Today

Discussion on indiatoday.in

The ground water level is decreasing day by day year by year in all areas in our country. The cyclical action is required for improving the ground water level. The present trend of our country is digging borewell in every house for all purposes. Due to this, the availability of the ground water is not up to the level for basic quantity requirement. The inland inter linking the river and rain water is the best solution for all purposes such as inland water transportation facilities and with this inter connection of river water, the availability of water is also improving in the connected areas, the water may be available continously throughout the year for cultivations etc., The continous action is required for sustainable operation without any political interferences by the changing the political parties for every five year in the event of the electoral changes. The awareness for these schemes are being made even in Trichy by water organisation called
*Thaneer Amaippu *in Tamil. The India Today conclave South 2018 is also creating awareness for the depletion of ground water level.

Panacea that isn’t

Discussion on indianexpress.com

The title chosen for the topic is amazing. The Institution which comes under the ministries of Government india to obey the rulers who are promptly selected by the people of India. The poltical regulation is being implemented by the parliamentarians. The People Lokpal bill is referred to as the Citizens Ombudsmans bill which is a draft for anti-corruption bill. The main purpose of the bill was to decrease the overall corruption for listening the grievances of the citizens of this country. It is learnt that the bill was passed before parliament eight times before comes into effect in late 2013. The Lokball bill is to be passed with that the integrity of the nation is the primary concern of all the people irrespective of the post what they hold at present. Power with proper check and balances is the only solution to avoid monstrosity.

Discussion in various PAPERS

புத்தக உலகம் புத்துயிர் பெறுமா?
Discussion on dinamani.com

புதிய உலகம் பெற புது அகமாக உருவாகும். இயற்பியல் துறையில் முனைவர் பெற்ற ஒரு விஞ்ஞானி, மரபணு குறித்து * மரபணு இயந்திரம் * என்ற நூல் எழுதுகிறார் என்றால் புத்தகம், ஒரு மிகப் பெரிய மாற்றத்தை கொடுத்து நோபல் பரிசு வரை பெற்று உள்ளது. அறிவு பெறுவது, நூலை ஆர்வத்துடன் படிப்பதினால் தான் நிலை பெறும். அறிவுலகில் சிறந்து விளங்க நூலகம் மிகப் பெரிய பங்கு அளிக்கிறது. * புதிய உலகமாக * என்ற தமிழ்ச் சொல்லை கரந்துறையில் பதிவதது எனில்

க-கடமையாகும். * எனக்கூறலாம்.

புது அகத்தை நன்மையாக்குவதும், தீமையான செயல்களுக்கு பயன்படுத்துவதும் அவரவர்களின் செயல்பாடுகளே.

Fifth column: The wrong constitutional amendment

Discussion on indianexpress.com

Whoever come to politics, they would end to their scheme by announcing populist schemes to their group in any form. The country’s norms and conditions for laying the constitutions can extent their levels to the farthest without any common understanding.

Recommended, with some reservations

Discussion on indianexpress.com

The genuine debate on account of job provisions is to be made on actual growth with real iniative of the people who involve enthuiastically.

A right under siege
Discussion on indianexpress.com

The failure action against the ruling party is a regular occurrence in our country politics. The RTI is the event in which the recorded informations can be obtained from the relevant department within a certain period of time. When the informations is being obtained for noble purposes, the act is good for all occassons. The interference of regular work in the concerned department should take into consideration for getting the adequate information.

Hopes, fears dominate the new 2019 narrative

Discussion on deccanchronicle.com

Whoever appears in the political arena, the status of the democracy remains the same. The HOPE may utter in positive in the people’s point of view is as follows: Handing Of Promise (in) Elections could not achieve with in this period. Give us another 5 years, we will do it with hope. The same will repeat after 5 years. FEAR, may express as For Effective Assured Regulation, If the opposition comes into participate the democracy. This is the practice of democractic attitude of the rulers.

Slipping on quota

on indianexpress.com

Caste, in terms of Acrostic pattern can express in the following manner: Categorically Assessed Society’s Territorial Existence. The Assessment of People group into the existence is to be measured in terms of numbers. People in favour of societal status claiming must not come into the picture of economical deprivations category. The groups in favour of caste, creed etc., should not be divided in terms of the profession of work culture. When a country is to be claimed into a secular status on what account the people of our country should be segregated in terms of castes with the enrolment in the schools and colleges as long as they live in our country. We must understand the reality of our existence in the universe with integrated aspects rather than segregation.

Discussion on Various Newspapers &Magazines


A right under siege

Discussion on indianexpress.com

The failure action against the ruling party is a regular occurrence in our country politics. The RTI is the event in which the recorded informations can be obtained from the relevant department within a certain period of time. When the informations is being obtained for noble purposes, the act is good for all occassons. The interference of regular work in the concerned department should take into consideration for getting the adequate information.

Hopes, fears dominate the new 2019 narrative

Discussion on deccanchronicle.com

Whoever appears in the political arena, the status of the democracy remains the same. The HOPE may utter in positive in the people’s point of view is as follows: Handing Of Promise (in) Elections could not achieve with in this period. Give us another 5 years, we will do it with hope. The same will repeat after 5 years. FEAR, may express as For Effective Assured Regulation, If the opposition comes into participate the democracy. This is the practice of democractic attitude of the rulers.

Slipping on quota

Discussion on indianexpress.com

Caste, in terms of Acrostic pattern can express in the following manner: Categorically Assessed Society’s Territorial Existence. The Assessment of People group into the existence is to be measured in terms of numbers. People in favour of societal status claiming must not come into the picture of economical deprivations category. The groups in favour of caste, creed etc., should not be divided in terms of the profession of work culture. When a country is to be claimed into a secular status on what account the people of our country should be segregated in terms of castes with the enrolment in the schools and colleges as long as they live in our country. We must understand the reality of our existence in the universe with the integrated aspects rather than segregation.

Activists bat for water conservation, ground water repletion – India Today

Discussion on indiatoday.in

The ground water level is decreasing day by day year by year in all areas in our country. The cyclical action is required for improving the ground water level. The present trend of our country is digging borewell in every house for all purposes. Due to this, the availability of the ground water is not up to the level for basic quantity requirement. The inland water inter linking the river with the rain water storage is the best solution for all purposes such as inland water transportation facilities and with this inter connection of river water, the availability of water is also improving in the connected areas, the water may be available continously throughout the year for cultivations etc., The continous action is required for sustainable operation without any political interferences by changing the political parties for every five year in the event of the electoral changes. The awareness for these schemes are being made even in Trichy by water organisation called Thaneer Amaippu in Tamil. The India Today conclave South 2018 is also creating awareness for the depletion of ground water level.

Panacea that isn’t

Discussion on indianexpress.com

The title chosen for the topic is amazing. The Institution which comes under the ministries of Government india to obey the rulers who are promptly selected by the people of India. The political regulation is being implemented by the parliamentarians. The People Lokpal bill is referred to be as the Citizens Ombudsmans bill which is a draft for anti-corruption bill. The main purpose of the bill was to decrease the overall corruption for listening the grievances of the citizens of this country. It is learnt that the bill was passed before parliament eight times before comes into effect in late 2013. The Lokball bill is to be passed with that the integrity of the nation is the primary concern of all the people irrespective of the post what they hold at present. Power with proper check and balances is the only solution to avoid monstrosity.

குறிப்பு -Floppy disc

மறைந்துப் போன பொருட்கள் – நெகிழ் வட்டு

(floppy disc)

‘ வாம்மா மின்னல் ‘ என்று நடிகர் வடிவேலு படத்தில் சொல்வார்.

ஒரு சில பொருட்கள் மின்னல் போல மறைந்து விடும்
சில பொருட்கள் நம் காலத்தில் தோன்றி
நம் இருக்கும் காலத்திலே மறைந்து விட்ட பொருள்கள் பல.

மின்னல் போல, பல மின்னணு சாதனங்கள் பயன்பட்டன. பயன்படுவதும் சில காலங்களே.
அடுத்த பொருள்கள் அதைவிட பயன்பாட்டுக்கு வந்தவுடன், பழைய பொருட்கள் மறைந்து விடும்.

கணினி பொருள்களில் சொல்ல வேண்டுமெனில், நெகிழ் வட்டு என்று தமிழில் கூறுவோம்.
நெகிழ் வட்டு, குறு வட்டு வந்தவுடன் மறைந்து விட்டது.

நெகிழ் தட்டு, வளையக்கூடியதும், காந்தவட்டாகவும், செவ்வக வடிவில் நெகிழியால்(plastic) மூடப்பட்டு இருக்கும்.

இதற்கு என்று கணினியில் ஒரு இயக்கி(drive) ஒன்று உள்ளது. இதை IBM நிறுவனத்தில் ஆலன் சுகார்ட் என்பவர் 1967ல் கண்டுபிடித்தார்.

இது 8 அங்குலமாக இருந்ததை 5.25 அங்குலமாக 1981ல் IBM தனிப்பட்ட கணினியாக பயன்படுத்தியது.
1.44 MB வடிவில் மிகப் பெரிய துண்டு உள்ளடக்கம் உடையதாக இருந்தது.

பல மத்திய அரசு அலுவலகங்களில் 1999-2005 வரை மிகுந்த பயன்பாட்டில் நெகிழ் வட்டு பயன் பட்டது.

அதை எடுத்துச் செல்வதற்கும் அதை உபயோகிப்பதற்கும் தனிப்பட்ட நிபுணத்துவம் பெற்றவர்களே பயன்படுத்த முடியும்.

தற்பொழுது நெகிழ் வடிவத் தட்டு மறைந்து விட்டது.
கணினியிலும் அதற்கென்று ஓர் இயக்கி பொருத்தப்படுவதில்லை.

அப்புறம் குறு வட்டு அதிக பயன்பாட்டில் இருந்தது. அப்பொழுது அதனுடைய வடிவம் வட்ட வடிவமாக இருக்கும். தற்பொழுது அதன் பயன்பாடும் குறைந்து விட்டது. அந்த சமயங்களில் கிடைப்பதும் மிகவும் கடினம்

Discussion on FrontLine magazine –

Writing on the wall

Discussion on frontline the hindu magazine:

The present trend prevailing after these state election results may be favour in the congress alliance with the support of statewise parties. The strengthening of democratic system of our electoral parties should understand the basic benefits to the people of this country with the socio economic issues. The prevailing electoral parties and the candidates are blaming with each other when they rule our country. The elected and ruling parties should understand the reality of our country precisely.